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Sterile, reabsorb-able injectable dermal bio-revitalisers, skin boosters and collagen injections are used to remodel the skins texture, strength, brighten, tighten, rejuvenate and deeply hydrate.


Once injected into the upper dermis hyaluronic and amino acids get to work nourishing and feeding the skins fibroblasts, strengthening collagen formation and skin elasticity whilst building dermal density.



The quality of the skin is dramatically improved and strengthened, providing you with an instant radiant glow and smooth healthy-looking complexion.


We have a range of incredible bio-revitalising skin booster products; 




A patented unique, fast-acting rich solution of amino and hyaluronic acids. Jalupro works particularly well on those with rosacea or those looking for overall skin brightening. 




Tkn ha3 contains the highest amount of hyaluronic acid available on the market making it one of the most powerful injectable skin revitalisers that money can buy. A fantastic booster for those with mild to moderate skin laxity concerns, those very dry skin and those looking to deeply nourish the skin. 




Profhilo is a “bio-remodeller” in that it stimulates natural healing processes within your body. The treatment works in two phases, deeply hydrating your skin and then stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin (a process known as neocollagenesis). Excellent for mature clients, those with moderate to severe skin laxity. 




C+ Collagen, by Italian pharmacy INFI, will provide you with the immediate befefits of collagen- injected to target areas for instant absorption and effect. This treatment combines collagen and Hyaluronic acid- a two in one treatment designed to create stronger and firmer skin. 


A concentrated tissue stimulator with outstanding regenerative and corrective effects, dedicated to eliminating skin defects and progressive signs of ageing. By containing a high amount of collagen, the formula activates the auto regenerative cascade and has a dual effect: it promotes the pro-collagen proliferation and migration of fibroblasts, as well as activates the secondary reconstruction of the existing collagen.




vitamin ‘cocktails’ that stimulate and feed fibroblast cells. Amongst the list of skin-friendly plant ingredients injected are vitamins, growth factors, Hyaluronic acid, peptides, antioxidants and trace elements that provide the ideal environment for healthy skin to flourish.

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