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Sclerotherapy is the most common, and very effective, treatment for improving the appearance of spider veins and vessels on the legs. It's simple, quick and painless.


Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure that is used to treat unwanted spider veins for cosmetic purposes. Injecting a sclerosing chemical agent into the vein causes the vein walls to swell, stick together and seal shut, stopping the flow of blood. As a result, the vein fades within a few weeks. 


Veins have valves that act as one-way flaps to prevent blood from flowing backward as it moves up your legs. If the valves become weak, blood can leak back into the veins and collect there, causing veins to enlarge and become varicose.

Spider veins can develop from weak or damaged valves. They can also be caused by hormone changes, exposure to sun and injuries.

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